there’s no place like code

quoting selected text

Originally posted at saji-codes tumblr.

 * Selecting text in <article /> will make a button appear,
 * after clicking it selected text will get copied to
 * reply form
$('article').bind('mouseup', function(e){
    // remove previous instances of the button
    // when nothing is selected, do nothing
    if (window.getSelection().isCollapsed)

    $('<button />', {
        'class' : 'quote-this',
        'text' : 'quote this',
        'title' : 'use selected text as quotation in a reply',
        'css' : {
            // place button on mouse position
            'position': 'absolute',
            'top': e.pageY + 'px',
            'left': e.pageX + 'px',
            // avoiding selecting button when double clicking
            'margin': '1em'
        click: function(e){
            var sel = window.getSelection();
            // place selected text in reply form
                    .replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '')  // trim
                    .replace(/(\n|^)/g, "$1> ") // add quote markup
            sel.collapse(); // un-select
            $(this).remove(); // destroy me
    // button.quote-this creation end
    }).hide() // we'll show it in a sec.
        // place somewhere outside element that mousedown
        // is bond to
        // appear misteriously

}); // article mouseup